“We’re being taken for fools”: Manchester Bee Network blasted as motorists filmed driving into cycle zone + more on the live blog - Electric vehicles is the future


Back in 2020, you may remember, Greater Manchester’s then-cycling and walking commissioner Chris Boardman told the then-safely secure Prime Minister Boris Johnson (how times change, eh?) that Manchester’s Bee Network could act as a “national blueprint” for active travel, and that the “timing is perfect to wean a nation off its automobile addiction”.

Judging by footage filmed at the weekend, however, it seems that motorists first need to be weaned off driving into the city’s new cycle and pedestrian zones.

Cycling advocate Harry Gray, one of the masterminds behind this year’s Snake Pass protests, posted a video on Twitter on Saturday showing a number of Uber drivers being forced to reverse out of the cycle zone in the city’s Northern Quarter:

While some criticised the blasé attitude of the drivers towards cyclists, Gray focused his attention on the “sheer incompetence” of what he called the network’s “awful design”.

He pointed out that the cycle and pedestrian zone is only enforced by a ‘No entry’ sign and a red line on the road (the concrete block that forced the motorists to back up is found further into the zone) and that drivers are being shuttled down a one-way street towards the area, with no other option than to reverse.

Gray wasn’t the only one pointing out the flaws in that particular section of the Bee Network, as last night infrastructure expert Iain Roberts gave his take on the Thomas Street cycle lanes:


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