Police stop cyclist on M25 – and then find same rider on M1 - Electric vehicles is the future


A cyclist who was stopped by police on the M25 London Orbital motorway was discovered by the same officers just an hour later on the M1.

The rider was pulled over on the M25 on Saturday afternoon by officers from the Bedfordshire, Hertfordshire and Cambridgeshire Road Policing Unit, who help patrol the motorway.

A tweet posted on Saturday from the @roadpoliceBCH account said that the cyclist had been advised & reported for offences, and directed safely off of the M/Way network.”

However, the tweet added that “Around 1hr later, find them again using M1 this time!

“Stopped, reported for additional offences and escorted to place of safety.”

Cyclists are among the road users banned from motorways under Rule 253 of the Highway Code, which states:

Motorways MUST NOT be used by pedestrians, holders of provisional motorcycle licences, riders of motorcycles under 50 cc (4 kW), cyclists, horse riders, certain slow-moving vehicles and those carrying oversized loads (except by special permission), agricultural vehicles, and powered wheelchairs/powered mobility scooters.

Nevertheless, police forces around the country regularly report on social media about stopping bike riders they have been alerted to using motorways – including one last year who was photographed pedalling along the hard shoulder of the M62 in Yorkshire … while passing underneath a sign warning motorists of the presence of a cyclist.

> Cyclist on motorway pedals past sign warning of … cyclist on motorway

This is the first time however that we can recall a cyclist escorted off a motorway being found back on one shortly afterwards.


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