“No one has right of way on a roundabout”: Response to Jeremy Vine near miss video baffles cyclists; No rest day Covid positives at the Tour de France + more on the live blog - Electric vehicles is the future


By now, pedalling broadcaster Jeremy Vine is well used to receiving… let’s call it constructive feedback from motorists on Twitter, angry at the Radio 2 presenter’s latest video from his daily commute through London, which invariably highlights – in Vine’s eyes – some form of poor or dangerous driving.

For example, Friday’s clip – which featured a bus driver almost pulling out in front of Vine as he made his way across a roundabout – led to more than a few complaints from drivers critical of the broadcaster’s position in the left lane (after riding in the cycle lane) as he entered the roundabout:

According to the Rule 186 of the Highway Code, however, “cyclists, horse riders and horse drawn vehicles may stay in the left-hand lane when they intend to continue across or around the roundabout and should signal right to show you they are not leaving the roundabout.

“Drivers should take extra care when entering a roundabout to ensure that they do not cut across cyclists, horse riders or horse drawn vehicles in the left-hand lane, who are continuing around the roundabout.”

While most of the Twitter road safety commentators in Vine’s mentions tripped up on that specific aspect of the Highway Code, one bot – I mean person – managed to drop this absolute clanger, demonstrating a poor understanding of how roundabouts work and the new hierarchy of vulnerable road users in the Highway Code:

Needless to say, this morning’s replies were fun (including a bonus mention of Friday’s article about the serial driving test passer):


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