
The changes to the Highway Code, designed to protect vulnerable road users, were the centre of an investigation on ITV’s Tonight programme last night (I know, six months behind the times, but this TV business doesn’t happen overnight…).

Compared to the rather inflammatory cycling safety segment on Countryfile a few weeks ago, the programme itself – from what I gathered by switching between it and the Women’s Tour highlights on ITV4 – was quite a balanced one.

It considered the actual changes to the Highway Code themselves, the extent to which motorists have been made aware of the revisions introduced in January (with vox pops at a classic car show in Eastbourne underlining how little people actually read the code), and the experiences of cyclists on the roads.

> Highway Code changes: Department for Transport finally announces publicity campaign to increase awareness

A poll conducted by the show found that 25 percent of people still believe that a car driver has right of way when turning left, and that half of those surveyed think that cyclists should stay to the left of the lane when approaching junctions – results which confirm Cycling UK’s belief (despite the hundreds, maybe thousands, of road.cc articles on the subject…) that the new changes haven’t been publicised enough.

So not so bad then, as far as these things go. 

However, a quick glance at Twitter will tell you that not everything is well in car world, where the programme seemed to hit a nerve, judging by some of the tweets:

(Sounds like a pleasant chap…) 

Neither can I, neither can I…. 


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