“He pays road tax, you don’t”: Motorists – and Ashley Neal – blast Jeremy Vine for black cab close pass video; Extinction Rebellion’s British Cycling protest receives mixed response; Weekend roundup + more on the live blog - Electric vehicles is the future


Jeremy Vine’s live blog season ticket hasn’t seen much action in recent months (apart from the odd impatient Bentley driver), but it’s safe to say that over on Twitter – it’s still around, hooray! – the two-wheeled presenter is continuing his successful streak of upsetting angry, entitled motorists with his daily commute videos. 

Vine’s latest ‘controversial’ clip, posted yesterday morning, shows a Kensington taxi driver go full MGIF (Must Get in Front) by close passing the broadcaster, despite the cyclist’s hand signal to indicate that he was staying in the outside lane.

Not only that, but the close pass was also accompanied by an obligatory blast of the horn and a shout of ‘What’s your problem?’ from the black cab driver.

As with almost all MGIF passes, of course, the manoeuvre comes to no avail, as Vine soon draws level with the cabbie for a rather testy debrief.

“Why did you close pass me?” Vine asks.

“You put your hand out and I thought you were going right,” comes the response.

“No, you didn’t, there’s no right turn.”

“You can do what you like, you know that. You put your hand out to go right, I’ve let you go…”

“No, you deliberately close passed me.”

“You should know better.”

Like the vast majority of Vine’s close encounters with London drivers, this clip attracted some classic anti-cycling responses:

Even YouTube driving instructor and live blog favourite Ashley Neal (a two for one deal on a Monday morning, aren’t you lucky?) got involved, sparking a somewhat heated exchange between the pair:

However, amidst all the righteous fury, one particular tweet stood out as worthy of at least a nomination to the anti-cycling bingo Hall of Fame:


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