Calls for safe infrastructure after Bristol cyclist killed in lorry crash - Electric vehicles is the future


A Bristol councillor has called for a “step change in infrastructure” to make the city’s streets safer for cyclists and pedestrians after a woman riding her bike was killed in a crash involving a lorry yesterday.

The victim, who Avon & Somerset Police say was aged in her 30s, died at the scene of the crash which happened just after 8am on Whitchurch Road in Hengrove, at its junction with The Boulevard.

Police said that her family have been informed and are being supported by a specially trained officer.

An appeal has been launched for anyone who witnessed the fatal crash or has dashcam footage to contact police on 101, quoting the reference number 5222275628. Alternatively, the charity Crimestoppers can be contacted, anonymously, on 0800 555 111.

Last month, cyclists in Bristol rode through the city centre in a protest called the Big Ride for Safer Cycling to call for safer cycling infrastructure, with a petition signed by around 2,200 people subsequently delivered to Bristol City Council, which debated the points raised last week.

The petition was drawn up after the council removed a cycle lane on Cheltenham Road.

At the time, the Green Party’s David Wilcox, shadow councillor for transport and active travel, said: “The Labour administration’s removal of cycling infrastructure in Bristol sends completely the wrong message to anyone who wants to get around the city efficiently, and risks making cycling in our city more dangerous.

“To clean up our polluted air, reduce carbon emissions, and tackle our chronic traffic problems, we need to be creating new, high-quality bike lanes, not painting out existing ones.”

Yesterday, Councillor Wilcox tweeted: “My thoughts are with the family of the woman who died today. Bristol needs a step change in infrastructure that matches the transport hierarchy, removing the danger of simply moving around for pedestrians and cyclists. Where is @BristolCouncil’s Vision Zero policy?”

Bristol Cycling Campaign, which described the cyclist’s death as “tragic,” also expressed its sympathy to her family, adding: “We need safe cycling routes in Bristol now.”

Cyclists who ride along the road where the fatal collision happened, one of them a Liberal Democrat councillor, also took to Twitter to highlight specific problems at the location.


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