The bigger picture: IBM Quantum System Two - Electric vehicles is the future


IBM has declared 2023 as the year it will begin realising ‘quantum-centric supercomputing’.

IBM’s quantum computer has a layered chandelier-like structure, called a dilution refrigerator. Qubits have to be cooled in stages, so each layer represents a stage. The wires carry microwave pulses into the chip to control the qubits.

IBM's quantum computer has a chandelier-like structure

Image credit: Graham Carlow for IBM

IBM Quantum System Two, currently under development at IBM’s Thomas J Watson Research Center in Yorktown Heights, New York, is designed to be modular and flexible, and will be a building block of quantum-centric supercomputing.

IBM Quantum System Two

Image credit: IBM

The IBM Osprey 433-qubit processor has the potential to run computations well beyond the capability of any classical computer.

IBM Osprey 433-qubit processor

Image credit: Ryan Lavine for IBM

High-density control signal delivery with flex wiring provides a 70 per cent increase in wire density at lower price per line.

High-density control signal delivery with flex wiring

Image credit: Connie Zhou for IBM

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