2025 gas boiler ban proposed in UK government’s net zero review - Electric vehicles is the future


No new homes should be built with a gas boiler from 2025 and an infrastructure strategy should be developed to improve adaptation to green energy sources, the government’s net zero review has concluded.

Tory MP Chris Skidmore, the chair of the Net Zero Review, was tasked by the Liz Truss administration in September last year to develop recommendations on how the UK could improve its net-zero efforts.

It includes energy efficiency proposals that would ensure that all homes sold by 2033 would be able to demonstrate an EPC rating of at least C. It also proposes a 10-year plan to ensure heat pumps become more widespread throughout the UK and the banning of new gas boiler installations from 2025.

A new infrastructure strategy should be implemented by 2025 that supports adaptation for new green energy sources such as hydrogen and other liquid and gaseous fuels, the report recommends.

It also suggests a series of tax incentives to encourage businesses to invest in decarbonisation, including via the tax system.

Official statistics show there are around 400,000 jobs in low carbon businesses and their supply chains across the UK, with turnover estimated at £41.2bn in 2020.

The new strategy aims to encourage an additional £100bn of private investment to boost the low carbon sector by another 480,000 British jobs by 2030.

Skidmore said: “We lead in areas including clean technologies, science, manufacturing and green finance – areas that, if managed right, can lead to new jobs and strong economic growth.

“In developing this report, we have engaged with communities, economists and climate experts from across the country through more than 50 roundtables and 1,800 submissions – all of which have led to the Mission Zero findings.

“My recommendations are designed to make the most of this historic opportunity, covering the length and breadth of our economy, so that people in every part of the country can reap the benefits of this both in their communities, and in their pockets.”

In July 2022, a High Court judge ruled that the government’s Net Zero Strategy at the time breached its obligations under the Climate Change Act. It called for revisions to show how key emissions reduction targets will be met.

In November, the Commons Public Accounts Committee found that fewer than half of all government departments were complying with mandatory carbon emissions reporting.

CPRE, the countryside charity, said that the review showed the need for a “massive uplift in renewables”.

Sarah McMonagle, the acting director at the charity, said: “Solar energy could be transformative, if only our politicians would grasp the opportunity. With a few simple planning policy tweaks the installation of solar panels could enhance the value of homes, farms and factories in every pocket of the country. Solar panels are like a money-saving carbon reduction device that plugs on top of existing structures.”

Tanya Steele, chief executive of WWF, said that the review “shows the grass is greener with net zero”.

She added: “It’s concerning that the UK government has been stop-start in its policies and implementation plans for net zero across renewable energy, food and farming and economic security – at a time we’ve never needed it more.”

The review was informed through a call for evidence and direct engagement with businesses, organisations, local government, academia and the public.

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