Driver rams cyclist and crushes bike during dispute - Electric vehicles is the future


Footage has emerged of a motorist in London driving at a cyclist blocking their path, running over and crushing their bike.

From the two angles that have been shared on social media the rider fortunately appears to get out the way of the accelerating vehicle physically unharmed as it smashes his bicycle into the road.

The rider is on the phone to the police when the footage starts, standing at the junction to block the driver when the man forces his vehicle past, ramming the cyclist backwards. has contacted the Metropolitan Police for an official update, but at the end of the clip the cyclist can be heard giving the location as Kilburn High Road before saying “he’s now threatening me again” and “they’ve driven over my bike” while the driver is moved away by passers-by.

In another angle from the other side of the junction the driver is seen edging towards the cyclist seconds before driving over the bike. Queens Park Police were tagged in the post on Twitter, but did not reply. During the footage a woman can be heard saying: “It’s on video, I can forward this to the police, everyone’s taking videos”.

The video did the rounds on social media on a weekend with another concerning story of violence against a cyclist being reported.

The Hartlepool Mail says a woman has been bailed as the investigation continues into an assault on a cyclist on Friday.

Officers were called to Oxford Street and later confirmed a 27-year-old woman had been arrested and released on conditional bail.

A statement confirmed a 34-year-old man had been taken to hospital for treatment on a “serious head injury” after a “car driver pulled over and reportedly assaulted him”. Inquiries are ongoing.

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