“Sheer incompetence or the continuing war against motorists?” Drivers claim cycle hangar is “deliberately” blocking two car parking spaces; Thieves caught taking hammer to Bee Bikes; (Don’t) paint the bike lane black; Froome plans + more on the live blog - Electric vehicles is the future


Who knew that the positioning of a bike storage unit could provoke such an outpouring of grief and righteous indignation?

Well, that’s what’s happened in Brighton this week, as local motorists vented their anger and frustration at the placement of a new cycle hangar in the seaside town’s Norfolk Square.

The hangars were first introduced in July, as part of Brighton and Hove City Council’s plans to install 150 of the storage units across the city by spring 2023.

“We’re delighted with the response we’ve had to our new cycle hangars. Residents have wanted them for a long time and this has been reflected in their popularity,” Steve Davis, co-chairman of the council’s environment, transport and sustainability committee, said at the end of October.

However, the creation of 900 new secure bike parking spaces for residents hasn’t gone down too well with some drivers, who have complained on social media and in the local press about the sad, incomparable loss of two – yes, two – car parking spaces in Norfolk Square thanks to the new hangar.

A photo of the offending unit (below) was posted in a Brighton anti-cycle lane Facebook group with the caption: “Deliberately sited to remove two paid resident permit parking spaces”.

Cycle hangar in Norfolk Square, Brighton (credit - Laura King, Facebook)

“2 parking spaces lost. Sheer incompetence or the continuing war by BHCC against motorists and parking permit payers??? WHY DIDN’T THEY PLACE IT IN THE SQUARE?” another Facebook user and resident, Bill Young, replied.

72-year-old Young later elaborated on his misgivings about the hangar’s position (presumably in a less shouty tone) in an interview with the Argus.

“It’s just absolute madness,” he told the local paper. “I don’t have a problem with the hangars, it’s just the fact that it takes up two parking spaces.

“It creates this hate between residents and car owners. I think it should be removed and put inside the square and that way there wouldn’t be a problem.”

One resident, who wished to remain anonymous, added: “All of these hangars are unnecessary and they all take up paid parking spaces on the streets.

“This hangar would only take up one space but the thing is they could have put it in a corner of the park.

“I think they are being used to take up car parking spaces. I think people will always take their bikes indoors, so who are these actually for?”

Hmmm, for some reason I’m not convinced that particular interviewee has been keeping up to speed with the live blog’s reporting of on-street bike parking in Hackney…

> Hackney Council blasted for issuing more “nonsense” nuisance notices on bikes parked on pavement

Responding to the complaints, a spokesperson for Brighton and Hove City Council told the Argus this morning: “We are aware of concerns relating to the cycle hangar in Norfolk Square and are investigating.”


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