Men plead not guilty to violent robbery at Mark Cavendish’s home - Electric vehicles is the future


Two men have pleaded not guilty in court to two counts each of robbery in connection with a break-in at the Essex home of Mark Cavendish last year.

The former world champion was violently attacked in front of his wife and children during the robbery last November, which happened days after he was released from hospital after a crash at the Ghent Six Day meeting.

Romario Henry, aged 31, and Oludewa Okorosobo, 28, each entered not guilty pleas at Chelmsford Crown Court to the charges laid against them.

The pair are due to face trial on 3 October.

A third defendant, Ali Sesay, aged 27, has not yet been asked to enter his plea to the two charges he faces.

During the robbery, which happened in the early hours of 27 November 2021 at Cavendish’s home in Ongar, Essex, the Omega-Alpha Vinyl cyclist was threatened with a knife by four masked man.

The robbers made off with two Richard Mille watches, each said to be worth a six-figure sum, as well as a Louis Vuitton suitcase.

Cavendish, aged 36, is currently in Budapest ahead of the start of the Giro d’Italia tomorrow.

He has raced the Italian Grand Tour on five occasions, the last time in 2013 when he won the points jersey, and has a total of 15 stage victories in the race.

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