Are UK manufacturers obtaining maximum benefit from critical plant and equipment data? - Electric vehicles is the future


The UK government believes the country’s hi-tech industries will be the engine of economic growth and prosperity. However, these industries, whilst being world-leading, are increasingly facing a growing number of energy-related headwinds that are impacting profitability and competitiveness, while still being expected to deliver on sustainability. We spoke to Facilities Managers directly to understand their view.

CIM, a leading Data Analytics Platform, recently surveyed FMs in the Manufacturing sector in the UK to understand what issues were facing them as they drive towards sustainability, energy efficiency and net zero targets.

The findings revealed slower-than-expected progress and a strong requirement for a smarter approach to Building management and data. The research uncovered low C-suite prioritisation, CAPEX restrictions and reactive operations for the majority of respondents. Does this fit with your operation too?

Key Learning Points:

  • What issues currently exist for FMs as they operate under looming NetZero and sustainability targets?
  • Is technology holding them back, and are they getting the benefits they should?
  • How can data and digitisation support Manufacturers and FMs in their NetZero journeys, while still maintaining CAPEX / OPEX budgets?

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