RideLondon says 22mph safety car is "to ensure the safety of our participants" - Electric vehicles is the future


RideLondon has broken its silence on the decision to implement a safety car setting a 22mph pace limit at the head of this year’s event, saying the decision is “to ensure the safety of our participants”.

Yesterday, we reported the news that entrants to the sportive, which will debut its new Essex route on Sunday 29 May, had been left disappointed after the race guide published over the weekend included news of the safety car.

> “Ludicrous”: Disappointed RideLondon cyclists learn safety car will set 22mph pace limit

Following much criticism and debate as word spread on social media yesterday, RideLondon addressed the decision in a reply last night.

 If anything, the explanation prompted even more questions and frustration from riders with places in next weekend’s event.

One asked: “Could you let me know how making riders in the first wave slow to 22mph, thus causing riders in earlier waves to bunch up behind them into a group of riders (many inexperienced in large groups) numbering many thousands is likely to be ‘safer’?

“I regularly ride solo at 23mph for 100 miles. As do lots of others entered in the sportive. Every year previously, on a much lumpier course, thousands of people finished the ride safely with an average speed well in excess of 22mph. 

“I sincerely hope the answer here is not ‘every wave will have a safety car in front of it’.”

Another said the decision would, in fact, “endanger participants” and would “push faster riders back in the waves” meaning “you will have large chaingangs forming at speeds of over 25mph in the later waves going past slower riders”.

The participant who asked the initial question to RideLondon was also left unsatisfied by the explanation.

“None of this explains the 22mph limit, I’m afraid. You’ve got this one wrong. Why wasn’t the limit clearly advertised during the entry process? And why did you ask people to estimate finishing times which would involve travelling at speeds in excess of the 22mph limit?” they said.

Yesterday, we heard from several riders who reported they had been asked their average speed target when signing up for the event. Riders were reportedly able to put down speeds in excess of 22mph, which some feel was disingenuous considering, having paid, they may no longer be able to ride at their target speed.

Are you disappointed by the decision? Has RideLondon’s explanation addressed your concerns? Will you still be riding next Sunday? Let us know in the comments section…


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